The LMA is not a lesson or a course you buy online. It's not a support package. It isn't a coaching session. The Laser Master Academy is so much more than any or all of those things. It's a living, breathing community where people come together to make sure information people need to MAKE with lasers remains open and free. It's a safe house where anyone of any skill level can come and ask for help when they need it. It's a space where experts in their field provide everything they have to offer.
When you're a member here things are non-transactional. Our members give without the expectation of receiving and this system of value distribution has made the LMA the absolute best place on the internet to learn how to operate your machine. Our members believe that when one maker learns a better, faster or more efficient technique - it betters us all. There are over 300 million people in the United States alone and more than over 8.1 billion globally. We recognize that there's no shortage of customers for our industry and that if we work together, we can provide better products and services and make more money.
Here you will find the best in their fields contributing to a robust and cutting edge infrastructure that keeps the information we generate and catalog together easily accessible and free to anyone in need. This infrastructure, however, comes at a cost.
The team at Laser Everything believes, as our members do, that free and open access to the best learning materials and references is the best course of action for our industry and we recognize and understand the need to build a sustainable network to host, curate and distribute this information. When we started the demand for man hours and storage was low, but as we grew that need multiplied exponentially. Now Laser Everything hosts dynamic settings libraries, compiled starter libraries, software downloads, manuals, a social network, a YouTube library of over 500 videos, and a fair and well curated marketplace buyers can trust. The investment has been immense.
So you're here as a visitor and our pitch is simple. Please help keep our open laser economy sustainable. Nothing that we've built over the years was built alone. Every penny that has been invested in our online resources was funded directly by our supporters over at the LMA and with your continued support - I can only imagine the networks and infrastructure we can build in the future. I'm satisfied that we here at Laser Everything have helped more than 10,000 people generate a full time income with their lasers, our original mission statement. We're on a larger quest now: to keep laser marking, engraving and cutting resources free, open and easy to access for anyone looking to learn our craft.
It only works if we all work together - and we're looking forward to welcoming you aboard the LMA. Thank you so much for your consideration, and we'll see you on the other side!